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Day 6 of My 12 Days of December is Totally FREE!

 FREE Center Signs to Brighten Your Classroom:

Let everyone know how important Center Time is with these bright signs. The colors pop even more if you copy them onto cardstock and  laminate them. 

You can grab the entire set of 10 signs by CLICKING HERE! Then, check out the other 20+ FrEeBiEs in my TpT Store


Get a 90- FREE Trial of ESGI for YOU and ESGI will donate to the Make a Wish Foundation too!
Just use the code PALMAWISHES and 

See y'all tomorrow for more! 


What would YOU do???????

Win a $500 Gift Card or One of TEN $50 gift cards! 

You have just got to watch this FUN video!
(Click the image to view the video & directions.)

Or, you can <CLICK HERE> to watch the video and hear all of the directions about how to enter.

Here's How:
Follow these 3 Simple Steps to instantly win 400 Hours a Year with Progress Monitoring AND be entered in our $500 Amazon Gift Card Contest!

1. Show your Spirit following the directions provided in the video above and using #ESGITEAMSPIRIT!

2. New to ESGI? Sign up for a FREE ESGI Trial with Promo Code TEAMPALMA.

3. Start testing your Students with any of our 1000s of K/2 Assessments.

Start Your Free ESGI Trial - Use Promo Code TEAMPALMA by clicking <HERE> !!!

Winners will be chosen on April 30th by a panel of ESGI Team members based on the video originality and number of likes and views!

We are rooting for you! 

#1 Teacher Hack to SAVE TIME:


FREE Through Sept. 30 & That's 6 Months!

Are you wondering how to save time testing, recording, and analyzing data?
 ESGI has your answers and it's FREE!  
Use the promo code: TEAMPALMA and CLICK HERE for the free link. (No credit card is required!)

You can test F2F or 6 feet apart with 2 devices.
Click the image above to get started FREE! 

Why Use ESGI?

1. YOU will save over 400 hours testing, recording, & analyzing data because ESGI does most of that for you.
2. Your students will BEG you to test them. They love watching their green pie graphs grow as they learn & they will view testing as a game. 
3. You will instantly see individual student's progress as well as class progress on every individual skill & you can share this data with parents & administrators with just one click! You can use the data to guide your instruction and create RTI groups to target skills needed by individual students.
4. ESGI comes with tons of bonuses like FLASHCARDS individualized for each student. (More about how to use these in fun ways below.)
And BINGO cards customized for each student based on the skills they need to practice!
5. Right now, you can get a FREE TRIAL good through Sept. 30 with NO CC required! You will also qualify for $50 off of your 1st year, if you choose to enroll & ESGI will NOT hound you to use this. And, you will be entered to win some amazing PRIZES like Amazon gift cards!

To get all of this FREE for the next 6 months, use my code TEAMPALMA while enrolling in your FREE trial by clicking HERE.

Here are Creative Ways Parents Can Use The Flashcards At Home:

I HATE flashcards! Life should NOT always be a test! But, if you use them as "skill cards" that can change EVERYTHING!

Here is how to use flashcards in FUN ways at home:

1. Send home a set of flashcards based on the skills each student needs to practice with just one click on ESGI.
(Directions about how to use ESGI for FREE are at the end of this post.)

2. Parents can choose a few "skill cards" (let's not call them flashcards any longer) and have the child cut them out. (Use fancy scissors to make it more fun and to build fine motor skills as they are usually a little trickier to use.)
Have them cut around the
first (a great word to discuss)
and keep the scraps.

                 Use the scraps for an art project!

3. Place 2 skill cards, back-to-back, inside a sandwich size zipper bag. 

4. Remove the air from some of the bags and seal.

5. Add air, by inserting a straw and blowing air into the bag, to some of the bags and seal.

6. Now, let's play! In the bathtub, or even in a sink, they can play "Sink That Skill!" Let the bags with air in them float as your child scans all of the bags for the skill you call out. "Sink the letter Q." "Sink the letter P."
Imagine the tub filled with floating bags of skill cards!
Click on the video:

And use the bags without air to stick skills to the tile. And don't forget to talk about sinking and floating to get a bit of science in too! 

What Else Can I Do With These Skill Cards?

~Stick individual cards to your child's bedroom door or at the bottom of the stairs and have them slap the skill card and say the letter, #, sight word, etc. as they pass by.
~Hide a skill card under each dinner plate at the dinner table tonight and each person gets to look at their skill card and give clues to the family to help them guess the letter, #, sight word, etc.
~Copy a 2nd set of skill cards, cut them out and attach them, face down, to the refrigerator with magnets. Let your child play the Memory Game as they peek at skill cards and try to match them up.
~Use skill cards as "brag tags" and let your child tape the cards that have the skills they have mastered onto their shirt and wear the brag tags all day long. 
Whatever you do, make learning FUN!

Getting Started With FREE ESGI:

Just use the promo code: 
when you sign up. 
You can get a FREE account. 
Then, just choose a few tests to run, such as letter names or sounds, number recognition, etc.
After you have tested your students you will have all of the information you need to work on the skills your students have not mastered yet. 
CLICK HERE to get started free.


Look at who won the iPad & what we're giving away THIS week:

It's so easy to enter!

 We've got Spirit! Teachers can too! 

We are in week #2 of our 6 weeks of Spring Spirit!

Plus, ESGI will save you so many hours each week whether you are assessing virtually online or in-class. And your students will actually beg you to test them!

Last week's iPad Air winner is Theresa F. of Kenton County School District in Kentucky.

This week teachers will cheer over:
  • 5 chances to win a $50 Really Good Stuff, LLC Gift Card
  • An extended free trial through September 30th, 2021.
  • $50 off initial purchase of ESGI.
Start 60 Day FREE ESGI Trial
Use promo code TEAMPALMA - No credit card required
AND enjoy this video from ESGI:

How Would YOU Like ...


... something to cheer about? 

As a teacher, my playbook was always filled with so many things to-do.  My team and I used this one-on-one online progress monitoring program for TK & kindergarten. (It's also great for Pre-K & 1st grade assessments virtually or F2F.) It saves teachers over 400 hours a year!

What? You haven't tried ESGI yet???
Start saving time today with a free ESGI trial account using Promo Code TEAMPALMA at

This is what you will get...
  • A Chance to win an iPad Air
  • Receive an extended free trial of ESGI through September 30th, 2021!
  • $50 off an initial purchase of ESGI.
Get in the "end zone" and the "win zone" and start saving 400 hours today with ESGI! I promise, you will LOVE it!


 and enter the promo code: TEAMPALMA 

to get started and you will 

automatically be entered for a chance to win!



Did you know that this is FREE?

I Can't Wait To Present: 

"Addition Magician, Subtraction Reaction!"

And I can't wait to meet you and have you meet me!

Enroll at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference and discover all of the wonderful FREE sessions they are offering. 

My interactive virtual session is all about FUN Math strategies that really work & make math tangible, understandable, and oh so much FUN...

... and they are rooted in proven research...

... and based on the APPLICATION of math skills.

This interactive session will be live on Thursday, March 25 from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Mountain Time, but you will have access to the recording so you can watch it in your PJs later!

Join me and get refreshed, motivated, and inspired!

You can register for this FREE virtual event here: 



YOU Win & So Do Kids...

 ... With a FREE Book!

Start a free 90-day trial of ESGI, and ESGI will take it from there! (No credit card required)
With every ESGI trial, we will make a donation to support their Read in Color program. Read in Color aims to help distribute books that share different perspectives on race and social justice, as well as literature by BIPOC and LGBTQ authors.
to get started!

You win with all of this:
  1. You will receive ESGI FREE for 90 days
  2. You will save $50 off your first year when you purchase
  3. ESGI will donate $8 towards Little Free Library Read in Color Program
  4. Use the following link to get started:
ESGI is your PreK - 2nd grade At-home and At-school progress monitoring solution!
  • Inform instruction with real-time data
  • Access thousands of 1-on-1 assessments
  • Personalize parent communications
I know you will LOVE using ESGI and so will your students!